Highlights of June 26 NAHMA Call

The following are some take-away points worth mentioning:

COMMUNITY SPACES/POOLS/PLAYGROUNDS: Although some admitted getting pressure, in general, with a few exceptions, most participants of todays calls, nationally,  are not opening up their common area spaces due to the potential related liability to residents & staff, and the possibility of legal liability to ownership/agent. There is no real “timeframe” to change course as of today for the most part, as the route of the pandemic will dictate. Lots of concern and angst about opening up those spaces which seems to be why HUD & CA’s have been relatively quiet on this matter. For the few who have tried to open, some have reconsidered and closed again given surge. Major consternation on this topic generally, especially because of related costs to have staff continually clean & disinfect. 

MORS: Seems some CA’s (not all) pivoting away from site MOR inspections to just performing desk audits as provided for in HUD guidance. Other CA’s continuing with on-site. Mixed bag, but huge, consistent and national support by NAHMA to postpone anything other than desk audits. Willing to consider risk-based approach; but, given new surge, might be problematic as hot spots pop up more frequently. 

REAC: still same as of last report

ROUTINE WORK ORDERS: good discussion on how best to do this; but, given REAC horizon, seems many focused on how to do this sooner rather than later. Most only doing EHS work orders only with PPE for now as they think through how to approach REAC prep.

COLLECTIONS: Reasonably good nationally + 90%, folks now seem to be looking past the summer focusing on what might happen in the fall/winter and what the need might be to continue financial assistance to unemployed.

EVICTION MORATORIUM: Proposed Bill could garner bi-partisan support in House to extend 12 months from the date the Bill becomes law (if it becomes law). See Emergency Housing & Protection Act HR7301. Would still need to get Senate support, and right now – today – doesn’t seem likely; but, in the timeframe of election, it’s a wild card for sure. NAHMA monitoring closely.

TAX CREDITS: 3 major pieces of legislation: MOVING FORWAD ACT, EMERGENCY AFFORDABLE HOUSING ACT, NEIGHBORHHOD INVESTMENT ACT – offer some or all of the following (and will send more details under separate cover):

  • Permanent 4% floor for TC’s

  • Expansion of state allocation ability for TC

  • Reduce 50% test to 25%


Chuck Durnin
Senior Vice President

Renee Reithel