Four recently published notices from HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing, titled PH HCV and Native Programs COVID-19 Waiver Summery Chart; Addressing Tenant Concerns Regarding Rent and the Temporary Suspension of Evictions for Nonpayment of Rent; CARES Act-HCV Program Administration Fees; and Implementation of Supplemental Guidance to the Federal FY2020 Operating Fund Appropriations.
Read MoreThe HUD Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) recently hosted the National Fair Housing Training Day on Sexual Harassment Prevention in Housing. FHEO has made available a web-based, interactive, and self-paced training module on the “Preventing Sexual and Other Discriminatory Harassment in Housing” webpage on HUD Exchange.
Read MoreDepartment of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Secretary Dennis Davin announced new funding assistance for community development and affordable housing activities to address the COVID-19 pandemic under the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
Read MoreTwo recently published notices from HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing, titled Eviction Moratorium COVID-19 FAQs for Public Housing Agencies, and an updated COVID-19 FAQs for Public Housing Agencies.
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