Nov. 7-8, 2019
2019 Exhibitors | 2019 Sponsors | Advertise in the Program | Property Manager Incentives
This is our annual conference and vendor expo that bring hundreds of people to Dover Downs Hotel & Casino to gain knowledge in affordable housing trends and happenings.
Continuing Education Credits Provided by this Program
The National Affordable Housing Management Association provides credits toward the National Affordable Housing Professional (NAHP) Certification and renewal, the Specialist in Housing Credit Management (SHCM), the Certified Professional of Occupancy (CPO), and the National Affordable Housing Maintenance Technician (NAHMT) and National Affordable Housing Maintenance Supervisor (NAHMS).
>>We will be collecting items for the Food Bank of Delaware at the conference again this year. Click here to see a list of the most-needed items. We will collect the items during registration on Nov. 7.
Hotel Information
For reservations at Dover Downs, call 1-800-711-5882 and mention the PennDel AHMA Group Code: GPEND19. Room Rate: $139 per night. The rate is subject to applicable state and local taxes. You must indicate that you are with PennDel AHMA Group Code: GPEND19 to receive the group rate. Make sure to book your room by October 6 to receive this special rate.
PennDel AHMA complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act. The site is accessible for individuals with disabilities. If a registrant requires special accommodations, please contact us at 856-786-2183.