HUD Offers Building HOME Online Training

Building HOME Online Training will inform you about the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program and its regulatory requirements. The training includes 12 modules that provide a solid foundation of the current regulatory requirements of HUD’s HOME Program and practical advice for implementing all HOME activities at the state and local levels.

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Renee Reithel
HUD to Provide Funding for Homeless

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson today announced the allocation of $2.96 billion in Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) funding to support homeless Americans and individuals at risk of becoming homeless because of hardships such as job loss, wage reduction, or illness due to COVID-19.

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Renee Reithel
NAHMA HUD Update: HUD provides RAD Form Documents Available for Public Comment, COVID-19 FAQs, and Repositioning Wednesday Webinar Series May 21 2020

An update from HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), via their RADBlast. This update includes new and revised documents and forms that can be used in RAD conversions and Section 202 PRACs; updated FAQs for stakeholders related to managing RAD conversions during the current COVID-19 pandemic with further guidance for completing environmental reports; and the start of a “Wednesday Webinar” series focused on issues relating to public housing repositioning through RAD, Section 18, and Streamlined Voluntary Conversion.

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Renee Reithel